Exhibits, Trips and all that Fun!

The first thing I did for this year was host/facilitate my first Adhoc sketchwalk. I was a bit anxious about the turn out but needless to say, I had a pretty great time. We set up around the Carillion in UP Diliman and spent the morning sketching the scenery there. I had back-to-back sketchwalks that […]

Orgasmic Food and Simple Treats

Saturdays are often particularly meant for outdoor activities – having picnics, hiking in the mountains, going to the beach etc. For one whole day, you can choose to do one activity or several, take your pick. It was not planned but somehow last Saturday went on with one particular theme: food. I’m not really a […]

A Cool Project: The Burger Project

My theater buddies and I were on our way to watch Ang Dukesa ng Malfi (see post https://hangingbalaklaot.wordpress.com/2013/09/29/the-duchess-of-malfi-how-far-will-you-go-for-pleasure/). But we didn’t want to go with a chorus of growling stomachs, so we decided to venture along Manginhawa street to get us some grub. We weren’t familiar about the area but we heard a nice place called […]